Conference Papers Year : 2012

Information-Gathering Events in Story Plots


Story plots must contain, besides physical action events, a minimal set of information-gathering events, whereby the various characters can form their beliefs on the facts of the mini-world in which the narrative takes place. In this paper, we present an approach to model such events within a plan-based storytelling context. Three kinds of such events are considered here, involving, respectively, inter-character communication, perception and reasoning. Multiple discordant beliefs about the same fact are allowed, making necessary the introduction of higher-level facilities to rank them and to exclude those that violate certain constraints. Other higher-level facilities are also available for pattern-matching against typical-plan libraries or previously composed plots. A prototype logic programming implementation is fully operational. A simple example is used throughout the presentation.
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Fabio Silva, Antonio L. Furtado, Angelo Ciarlini, Cesar Tadeu Pozzer, Bruno Feijó, et al.. Information-Gathering Events in Story Plots. 11th International Confernece on Entertainment Computing (ICEC), Sep 2012, Bremen, Germany. pp.30-44, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-33542-6_3⟩. ⟨hal-01556132⟩
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