%0 Conference Proceedings %T Achieving Semantic Interoperability in Emergency Management Domain %+ Software Research & Development and Consultancy Corp. (SRDC) %+ Middle East Technical University [Ankara] (METU) %A Gençtürk, Mert %A Evci, Enver %A Guney, Arda %A Kabak, Yildiray %A Erturkmen, Gokce %Z Part 5: Risk and Disaster Management %< avec comité de lecture %( IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology %B 12th International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems (ISESS) %C Zadar, Croatia %Y Jiří Hřebíček %Y Ralf Denzer %Y Gerald Schimak %Y Tomáš Pitner %I Springer International Publishing %3 Environmental Software Systems. Computer Science for Environmental Protection %V AICT-507 %P 279-289 %8 2017-05-10 %D 2017 %R 10.1007/978-3-319-89935-0_23 %K Semantic interoperability %K Semantic web %K Ontology %K Emergency management %Z Computer Science [cs]Conference papers %X This paper describes how semantic interoperability can be achieved in emergency management domain where different organizations in different domains should communicate through a number of distinct standards to manage crises and disasters effectively. To achieve this goal, a common ontology is defined as lingua franca and standard content models are mapped one by one to the ontology. Then, information represented in one standard is converted to another according to the mappings and exchanged between parties. %G English %Z TC 5 %Z WG 5.11 %2 https://inria.hal.science/hal-01852611v1/document %2 https://inria.hal.science/hal-01852611v1/file/467210_1_En_23_Chapter.pdf %L hal-01852611 %U https://inria.hal.science/hal-01852611 %~ IFIP %~ IFIP-AICT %~ IFIP-TC %~ IFIP-TC5 %~ IFIP-WG %~ IFIP-WG5-11 %~ IFIP-ISESS %~ IFIP-AICT-507