%0 Conference Proceedings %T Greedy Heuristics for Automatic Synthesis of Efficient Block-Structured Scheduling Processes from Declarative Specifications %+ University of Craiova %+ Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences %A Bădică, Amelia %A Bădică, Costin %A Dănciulescu, Daniela %A Logofătu, Doina %Z Part 4: Constraints %< avec comité de lecture %( IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology %B 14th IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI) %C Rhodes, Greece %Y Lazaros Iliadis %Y Ilias Maglogiannis %Y Vassilis Plagianakos %I Springer International Publishing %3 Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations %V AICT-519 %P 183-195 %8 2018-05-25 %D 2018 %R 10.1007/978-3-319-92007-8_16 %K Greedy algorithm %K Process model %K Ordering constraints %K Optimization %Z Computer Science [cs]Conference papers %X This paper introduces a new Greedy heuristic algorithm for the automatic synthesis of block-structured scheduling processes that satisfy a given set of declarative ordering constraints, as well as basic theoretical results that support the correctness of this algorithm. We propose two heuristics that can be used with this algorithm: hierarchical decomposition heuristic and critical path heuristic. We also present initial experimental results supporting the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed algorithm and heuristics. %G English %Z TC 12 %Z WG 12.5 %2 https://inria.hal.science/hal-01821067/document %2 https://inria.hal.science/hal-01821067/file/467708_1_En_16_Chapter.pdf %L hal-01821067 %U https://inria.hal.science/hal-01821067 %~ IFIP %~ IFIP-AICT %~ IFIP-TC %~ IFIP-WG %~ IFIP-TC12 %~ IFIP-AIAI %~ IFIP-WG12-5 %~ IFIP-AICT-519