%0 Conference Proceedings %T A Forensic Methodology for Software-Defined Network Switches %+ University of South Florida [Tampa] (USF) %A Chin, Tommy %A Xiong, Kaiqi %Z Part 3: Network and Cloud Forensics %< avec comité de lecture %( IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology %B 13th IFIP International Conference on Digital Forensics (DigitalForensics) %C Orlando, FL, United States %Y Gilbert Peterson %Y Sujeet Shenoi %I Springer International Publishing %3 Advances in Digital Forensics XIII %V AICT-511 %P 97-110 %8 2017-01-30 %D 2017 %R 10.1007/978-3-319-67208-3_6 %K Software-defined networks %K Incident response %K Forensics %K Switches %Z Computer Science [cs]Conference papers %X This chapter presents a forensic methodology for computing systems in a software-defined networking environment that consists of an application plane, control plane and data plane. The methodology involves a forensic examination of the software-defined networking infrastructure from the perspective of a switch. Memory images of a live switch and southbound communications are leveraged to enable forensic investigators to identify and locate potential evidence for triage in real time. The methodology is evaluated using a real-world testbed exposed to network attacks. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology for forensic investigations of software-defined networking infrastructures. %G English %Z TC 11 %Z WG 11.9 %2 https://inria.hal.science/hal-01716399/document %2 https://inria.hal.science/hal-01716399/file/456364_1_En_6_Chapter.pdf %L hal-01716399 %U https://inria.hal.science/hal-01716399 %~ IFIP-LNCS %~ IFIP %~ IFIP-AICT %~ IFIP-TC %~ IFIP-WG %~ IFIP-TC11 %~ IFIP-DF %~ IFIP-WG11-9 %~ IFIP-AICT-511