@inproceedings{lyle:hal-01514071, TITLE = {{Urban Agriculture: A Growing Field of Research}}, AUTHOR = {Lyle, Peter and Jaz Hee-Jeong Choi, Jaz and Lawson, Shaun and Lueg, Christopher and Chamberlain, Alan and Foth, Marcus and Meroni, Anna and Brereton, Margot}, URL = {https://inria.hal.science/hal-01514071}, NOTE = {Part 7: Workshops}, BOOKTITLE = {{14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT)}}, ADDRESS = {Cape Town, South Africa}, EDITOR = {Paula Kotz{\'e} and Gary Marsden and Gitte Lindgaard and Janet Wesson and Marco Winckler}, PUBLISHER = {{Springer}}, SERIES = {Human-Computer Interaction -- INTERACT 2013}, VOLUME = {LNCS-8120}, NUMBER = {Part IV}, PAGES = {785}, YEAR = {2013}, MONTH = Sep, KEYWORDS = {Urban agriculture ; Communities ; City farms ; Food security ; Environmental sustainability}, HAL_ID = {hal-01514071}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }