@inproceedings{quintal:hal-01510499, TITLE = {{WattsBurning on My Mailbox: A Tangible Art Inspired Eco-feedback Visualization for Sharing Energy Consumption}}, AUTHOR = {Quintal, Filipe and Barreto, Mary and Nunes, Nuno and Nisi, Valentina and Pereira, Lucas}, URL = {https://inria.hal.science/hal-01510499}, NOTE = {Part 1: Long and Short Papers (Continued)}, BOOKTITLE = {{14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT)}}, ADDRESS = {Cape Town, South Africa}, EDITOR = {David Hutchison and Takeo Kanade and Madhu Sudan and Demetri Terzopoulos and Doug Tygar and Moshe Y. Vardi and Gerhard Weikum and Paula Kotz{\'e} and Gary Marsden and Gitte Lindgaard and Janet Wesson and Marco Winckler and Josef Kittler and Jon M. Kleinberg and Friedemann Mattern and John C. Mitchell and Moni Naor and Oscar Nierstrasz and C. Pandu Rangan and Bernhard Steffen}, PUBLISHER = {{Springer}}, SERIES = {Human-Computer Interaction -- INTERACT 2013}, VOLUME = {LNCS-8120}, NUMBER = {Part IV}, PAGES = {133-140}, YEAR = {2013}, MONTH = Sep, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-40498-6\_10}, KEYWORDS = {Sustainability ; Aesthetics ; Art driven Eco-feedback ; User Interfaces ; Prototyping}, PDF = {https://inria.hal.science/hal-01510499/file/978-3-642-40498-6_10_Chapter.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-01510499}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }