%0 Conference Proceedings %T What is the Value of Information - Search Engine’s Point of View %+ Institute of Computer Science [Warszawa] %A Kłopotek, Mieczysław, A. %Z Part 1: Full Keynote Papers %< avec comité de lecture %( Lecture Notes in Computer Science %B 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Industrial Management (CISIM) %C Krakow, Poland %Y Khalid Saeed %Y Rituparna Chaki %Y Agostino Cortesi %Y Sławomir Wierzchoń %I Springer %3 Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management %V LNCS-8104 %P 1-12 %8 2013-09-25 %D 2013 %R 10.1007/978-3-642-40925-7_1 %K information %K semantic search %Z Computer Science [cs] %Z Humanities and Social Sciences/Library and information sciencesConference papers %X Within the domain of Information Retrieval, and in particular in the area of Web Search Engines, it has become obvious long time ago that there is a deep discrepancy between how the information is understood within computer science and by the man-in-the-street.We want to make an overview of ways how the apparent gap can be closed using tools that are technologically available nowadays.The key to a success probably lies in approximating (by means of artificial intelligence) the way people judge the value of information. %G English %Z TC 8 %2 https://inria.hal.science/hal-01496067v1/document %2 https://inria.hal.science/hal-01496067v1/file/978-3-642-40925-7_1_Chapter.pdf %L hal-01496067 %U https://inria.hal.science/hal-01496067 %~ SHS %~ IFIP-LNCS %~ IFIP %~ IFIP-TC %~ IFIP-TC8 %~ IFIP-CISIM %~ IFIP-LNCS-8104