@inproceedings{castrocorrea:hal-01435024, TITLE = {{Partial Reversibility of One-Dimensional Cellular Automata}}, AUTHOR = {Castro Corr{\^e}a, Ronaldo De and Oliveira, Pedro De}, URL = {https://inria.hal.science/hal-01435024}, NOTE = {Part 2: Regular Papers}, BOOKTITLE = {{22th International Workshop on Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems (AUTOMATA)}}, ADDRESS = {Zurich, Switzerland}, EDITOR = {Matthew Cook and Turlough Neary}, SERIES = {Cellular Automata and Discrete Complex Systems}, VOLUME = {LNCS-9664}, PAGES = {120-134}, YEAR = {2016}, MONTH = Jun, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-319-39300-1\_10}, KEYWORDS = {One-dimensional cellular automata ; Reversible rule ; Partial reversibility ; Reversibility degree ; Elementary space ; Pre-image pattern}, PDF = {https://inria.hal.science/hal-01435024/file/395687_1_En_10_Chapter.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-01435024}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }