@inproceedings{xiao:hal-01351807, TITLE = {{The Development of Decision Support System for Production of Layer}}, AUTHOR = {Xiao, Jianhua and Wang, Hongbin and Shi, Luyi and Lv, Mingzhe and Ma, Haikun}, URL = {https://inria.hal.science/hal-01351807}, NOTE = {Part 1: Decision Support Systems, Intelligent Systems and Artificial Intelligence Applications}, BOOKTITLE = {{5th Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture (CCTA)}}, ADDRESS = {Beijing, China}, EDITOR = {Daoliang Li and Yingyi Chen}, PUBLISHER = {{Springer}}, SERIES = {Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture V}, VOLUME = {AICT-368}, NUMBER = {Part I}, PAGES = {161-168}, YEAR = {2011}, MONTH = Oct, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-642-27281-3\_21}, KEYWORDS = {layer ; DSS}, PDF = {https://inria.hal.science/hal-01351807/file/978-3-642-27281-3_21_Chapter.pdf}, HAL_ID = {hal-01351807}, HAL_VERSION = {v1}, }