Conference Papers Year : 2015

A Geometrical Approach to Rejecting Option in Pattern Recognition Problem


Frequently it happens that during symbols recognition, not all of them are the proper ones. This may cause deterioration of a classifying process. In this paper we present a way to “separate the wheat from the chaff”, by constructing a rejector, based on geometrical figures enclosing “wheat” and excluding “chaff”. We assume that entities of wheat, called native elements, are structured in some way and that there is no a priori knowledge about chaff, named foreign symbols. For the purpose of this study we present simple geometrical figures to generalize the distribution of symbols and to govern the rejection process.
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Jakub Ciecierski, Bartomiej Dybisz, Agnieszka Jastrzebska, Witold Pedrycz. A Geometrical Approach to Rejecting Option in Pattern Recognition Problem. 14th Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management (CISIM), Sep 2015, Warsaw, Poland. pp.231-243, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-24369-6_19⟩. ⟨hal-01444468⟩
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