Conference Papers Year : 2014

Modeling the Emergence of a New Language: Naming Game with Hybridization


In recent times, the research field of language dynamics has focused on the investigation of language evolution, dividing the work in three evolutive steps, according to the level of complexity: lexicon, categories and grammar. The Naming Game is a simple model capable of accounting for the emergence of a lexicon, intended as the set of words through which objects are named. We introduce a stochastic modification of the Naming Game model with the aim of characterizing the emergence of a new language as the result of the interaction of agents. We fix the initial phase by splitting the population in two sets speaking either language A or B. Whenever the result of the interaction of two individuals results in an agent able to speak both A and B, we introduce a finite probability that this state turns into a new idiom C, so to mimic a sort of hybridization process. We study the system in the space of parameters defining the interaction, and show that the proposed model displays a rich variety of behaviours, despite the simple mean field topology of interactions.
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Lorenzo Pucci, Pietro Gravino, Vito P. Servedio. Modeling the Emergence of a New Language: Naming Game with Hybridization. 7th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS), May 2013, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. pp.78-89, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-54140-7_7⟩. ⟨hal-01291501⟩
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