Relay Placement for Two-Connectivity
Motivated by applications to wireless sensor networks, we study the following problem. We are given a set S of wireless sensor nodes, given as a multiset of points in a normed space. We must place a minimum-size (multi)set Q of wireless relay nodes in the normed space such that the unit-disk graph induced by Q ∪ S is two-connected. The unit-disk graph of a set of points has an edge between two points if their distance is at most 1.Kashyap, Khuller, and Shayman (Infocom 2006) present algorithms for the two variants of the problem: two-edge-connectivity and biconnectivity. For both they prove an approximation ratio of at most 2 dMST, where dMST is the maximum degree of a minimum-degree Minimum Spanning Tree in the normed space. In the Euclidean two and three dimensional spaces, dMST = 5, and dMST = 13 respectively. We give a tight analysis of the same algorithms, obtaining approximation ratios of dMST for biconnectivity and 2 dMST − 1 for two-edge-connectivity respectively.
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