Table of Contents
Empowering Teaching for Digital Equity and Agency Torsten Brinda, Don Passey, Therese Keane |
Front Matter |
Computing Education
Approaches to Artificial Intelligence as a Subject in School Education Peter Micheuz |
3-13 |
ICT-Rich Programming Projects Michael Weigend |
14-23 |
Mapping Computational Thinking and Programming Skills Using Technacy Theory Jayanti Nayak, Therese Keane, Kurt Seemann |
24-32 |
Learners’ and Teachers’ Perspectives
e-Examinations: The Impact of Technology Problems on Student Experience Mathew Hillier, Naveen Kumar, Nirmani Wijenayake |
35-45 |
Stereotypes of Secondary School Students Towards People in Computer Science Laura Keil, Fatma Batur, Matthias Kramer, Torsten Brinda |
46-55 |
Using Classroom Practice as “an Object to Think with” to Develop Preservice Teachers’ Understandings of Computational Thinking Deirdre Butler, Margaret Leahy |
56-65 |
An Early Exploration of Gender Imbalance in Computing Louise Hayes |
66-70 |
Teacher Professional Development
Use of Community of Practice for In-Service Government Teachers in Professional Development Sumegh Paltiwale, Durba Sarkar, Amina Charania |
73-77 |
Universal Design for Learning in the Indian Classroom: Supporting Struggling Learners Radhika Misquitta, Rudri Joshi |
78-83 |
The Agency of Teachers in the 21st Century – Design and Certification of Vocational E-Learning Bent Andresen |
84-93 |
The Industry Perspective
IT Curricula Versus Labour Market Requirements in the Area of Cloud Computing in Austria Peter Garscha, Alexander Wöhrer |
97-106 |
Meaningfulness as a Driving Force for Women in ICT Sonja Hyrynsalmi, A. Islam, Mikko Ruohonen |
107-115 |
Further Aspects
Whoever Reads the T&Cs Anyway? Andrew Fluck |
119-128 |
Course Space: The Observatory of Course Selection for Interdisciplinary Departments Daiki Shiozawa, David Hoenigman, Yoshiaki Matsuzawa |
129-138 |
Text Data Analysis on Answers Written in Japanese to Free Text Questions Obtained at Astronomy Lectures Seiichiro Aoki, Kazushi Sakka, Keiji Emi, Shinzo Kobayashi, Toshio Okamoto |
139-143 |