Table of Contents
Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Danielle Boulanger |
Front Matter |
Guiding Supervised Learning by Bio-Ontologies in Medical Data Analysis Janusz Wojtusiak, Hua Min, Eman Elashkar, Hedyeh Mobahi |
1-18 |
Using Ontologies to Access Complex Data: Applications on Bio-Imaging Cong Pham, Nada Matta, Alexandre Durupt, Benoit Eynard, Marianne Allanic, Guillaume Ducellier, Marc Joliot, Philippe Boutinaud |
19-35 |
Dynamic Ontology Supporting Local Government Mieczysław Owoc, Krzysztof Hauke, Katarzyna Marciniak |
36-49 |
Conceptual Navigation for Polyadic Formal Concept Analysis Sebastian Rudolph, Christian Săcărea, Diana Troancă |
50-70 |
Highlighting Trend-Setters in Educational Platforms by Means of Formal Concept Analysis and Answer Set Programming Sanda Dragoş, Diana Şotropa, Diana Troancă |
71-92 |
Selection of Free Software Useful in Business Intelligence. Teaching Methodology Perspective Mieczysław Owoc, Maciej Pondel |
93-105 |
Internet Platform for City Dwellers Based on Open Source System Łukasz Przysucha |
106-118 |
Segmentation of Social Network Users in Turkey Mahmut Özkuran, Gulgun Kayakutlu |
119-131 |
Towards Semantic Reasoning in Knowledge Management Systems Gulnar Mehdi, Sebastian Brandt, Mikhail Roshchin, Thomas Runkler |
132-146 |
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