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Table of Contents
Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction
Yuko Murayama, Dimiter Velev, Plamena Zlateva
Front Matter
Research on Disaster Communications
Yuko Murayama, Kayoko Yamamoto
How ICT Changes the Landscape of Disaster Risk Management
Wei-Sen Li, Chi-Ling Chang, Ke-Hui Chen, Yanling Lee
Initial Use of Big Data and Open Data on Disaster Risk Management
Wei-Sen Li, Ke-Hui Chen, Chi-Ling Chang, Yanling Lee
Supporting Decision Making in Disasters: The DiMas Tool
Eran Lederman, Luisa Chimenz
Weather Data Handlings for Tornado Recognition Using mHGN
Benny Nasution, Rahmat Sembiring, Muhammad Syahruddin, Nursiah Mustari, Abdul Dalimunthe, Nisfan Bahri, Bertha Ginting, Zulkifli Lubis
The Concept of a Regional Information-Analytical System for Emergency Situations
Igor Grebennik, Oleksandr Khriapkin, Ata Ovezgeldyyev, Valentina Pisklakova, Inna Urniaieva
Adaptation of the Rules of the Models of Games with Nature for the Design of Safety Systems
Adrian Gill, Piotr Smoczyński
Universal Design of Information Sharing Tools for Disaster Risk Reduction
Jaziar Radianti, Terje Gjøsæter, Weiqin Chen
Estimating the Probability of Earthquake Magnitude Between Mw = 4 and Mw = 5 for Turkey
Türkay Dereli, Cihan Çetinkaya, Nazmiye Çelik
Enhancing Regional Disaster Resilient Trade and Investment – Business Continuity Management
Yanling Lee, Kenji Watanabe, Wei-Sen Li
GIS Application for Economic Assessment of Direct Disaster Losses
Dimitar Dimitrov, Georgi Penchev, Ekaterina Bogomilova
Evacuation Planning for Disaster Management by Using the Relaxation Based Algorithm and Route Choice Model
Dedy Hartama, Herman Mawengkang, Muhammad Zarlis, Rahmat Sembiring, Benny Nasution, - Sumarno, M. Safii, Indra Gunawan, Eka Irawan, . Saifullah, Irfan Damanik, - Hartono
Data Processing for Assessment of Meteorological and Hydrological Drought
Nina Nikolova, Kalina Radeva
Formal Methods for Railway Disasters Prevention
Lilia Belabed, Tullio Tanzi, Sophie Coudert
Public Expectations of Social Media Use by Critical Infrastructure Operators During Crises: Lessons Learned from France
Laura Petersen, Laure Fallou, Paul Reilly, Elisa Serafinelli
Geoinformation Approach in Soil Erosion Susceptibility Assessment – A Tool for Decision Making: Case Study of the North-Western Bulgaria
Valentina Nikolova, Emil Dimitrov, Plamena Zlateva


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