Conference Papers Year : 2017

Self-similar Computing Structures for CPSs: A Case Study on POTS Service Process


This paper proposes a novel method for the structuring of the knowledge of a service process in order to be processed by lightweight declarative computing infrastructures. Through the identification of self-similarities in the process, the flow of the structured information and the sequence of activities performed in the process are easily implemented by means of cyber-physical systems technologies, in order to timely meet the customer/stakeholder’s requirements. The study was performed in a telecommunication service providing organization. Service teams create a collaborative network. With the use of the CPS proposed in this work they can communicate problems and disseminate solutions. This methodology uses the information of a set of performance indicators of the service organization to achieve a better control of the effectiveness and the bottlenecks in the supply network. The methodology is borrowed from the mechatronics field and it is prone to a natural extension and reuse for the similar information structures in manufacturing processes.
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hal-01674879 , version 1 (03-01-2018)




Dorota Stadnicka, Massimiliano Pirani, Andrea Bonci, R. M. Chandima Ratnayake, Sauro Longhi. Self-similar Computing Structures for CPSs: A Case Study on POTS Service Process. 18th Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PROVE), Sep 2017, Vicenza, Italy. pp.157-166, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-65151-4_15⟩. ⟨hal-01674879⟩
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