Table of Contents
Beyond Interpretivism? New Encounters with Technology and Organization Lucas Introna, Donncha Kavanagh, Séamas Kelly, Wanda Orlikowski, Susan Scott |
Front Matter |
Keynotes and Invited Papers
What if the Screens Went Black? The Coming of Software Agents Karin Cetina |
3-16 |
Thoughts on Movement, Growth and an Anthropologically-Sensitive IS/Organization Studies: An Imagined Correspondence with Tim Ingold Tim Ingold, Lucas Introna, Donncha Kavanagh, Séamas Kelly, Wanda Orlikowski, Susan Scott |
17-32 |
Doing Process Research
From Substantialist to Process Metaphysics – Exploring Shifts in IS Research Dubravka Cecez-Kecmanovic |
35-57 |
Critical Realism and Actor-Network Theory/Deleuzian Thinking: A Critical Comparison in the Area of Information Systems, Technology and Organizational Studies Chris Mclean, Jeremy Aroles |
58-72 |
Affordance Lost, Affordance Regained, and Affordance Surrendered Divya Sharma, Biswatosh Saha, Uttam Sarkar |
73-89 |
Exploring Affect and Affordance
Ideological Materiality at Work: A Lacanian Approach Edouard Pignot |
93-107 |
Inscribing Individuals into a Formalized System: The “Labour” Performed by Affective Spaces Alexandra Toll, Melissa Mazmanian |
108-124 |
When Is an Affordance? Outlining Four Stances Arto Lanamäki, Devinder Thapa, Karen Stendal |
125-139 |
Considering Communication and Performance
A Relational Approach to Materiality and Organizing: The Case of a Creative Idea Thomas Martine, François Cooren |
143-166 |
Enactment or Performance? A Non-dualist Reading of Goffman Ella Hafermalz, Kai Riemer, Sebastian Boell |
167-181 |
Performing Cyborgian Identity: Enacting Agential Cuts in Second Life Ulrike Schultze |
182-197 |
Examining Knowledge and Practice
Performing Research Validity: A “Mangle of Practice” Approach Robert Johnston, Kai Reimers, Stefan Klein |
201-214 |
Synthetic Situations in the Internet of Things Elena Parmiggiani, Eric Monteiro, Thomas Østerlie |
215-228 |
A Developmental Perspective to Studying Objects in Robotic Surgery Laure Kloetzer, Jarno Riikonen, Mikael Wahlström, Laura Seppänen |
229-245 |