Table of Contents
Information Security Education Across the Curriculum Bishop Matt, Miloslavskaya Natalia, Theocharidou Marianthi (Eds.) |
Front Matter |
Innovative Methods
Realism in Teaching Cybersecurity Research: The Agile Research Process Melissa Dark, Matt Bishop, Richard Linger, Luanne Goldrich |
3-14 |
Assurance Cases as a Didactic Tool for Information Security Roberto Gallo, Ricardo Dahab |
15-26 |
Cognitive Task Analysis Based Training for Cyber Situation Awareness Zequn Huang, Chien-Chung Shen, Sheetal Doshi, Nimmi Thomas, Ha Duong |
27-40 |
A Cyber Security Multi Agency Collaboration for Rapid Response that Uses AGILE Methods on an Education Infrastructure Erik Moore, Dan Likarish |
41-50 |
Software Security Education
Cybersecurity Through Secure Software Development Audun Jøsang, Marte Ødegaard, Erlend Oftedal |
53-63 |
Security Injections 2.0: Increasing Engagement and Faculty Adoption Using Enhanced Secure Coding Modules for Lower-Level Programming Courses Sagar Raina, Blair Taylor, Siddharth Kaza |
64-74 |
The Use of Software Design Patterns to Teach Secure Software Design: An Integrated Approach Johan Niekerk, Lynn Futcher |
75-83 |
Tools and Applications for Teaching
Learn to Spot Phishing URLs with the Android NoPhish App Gamze Canova, Melanie Volkamer, Clemens Bergmann, Roland Borza, Benjamin Reinheimer, Simon Stockhardt, Ralf Tenberg |
87-100 |
An Innovative Approach in Digital Forensic Education and Training Primož Cigoj, Borka Blažič |
101-110 |
On Experience of Using Distance Learning Technologies for Teaching Cryptology Sergey Zapechnikov, Natalia Miloslavskaya, Vladimir Budzko |
111-121 |
Syllabus Design
Reflections on the Ethical Content of the IT Honours Program Project Module Lynette Drevin, Günther Drevin |
125-134 |
Professional Competencies Level Assessment for Training of Masters in Information Security Natalia Miloslavskaya, Alexander Tolstoy |
135-145 |
History of Cryptography in Syllabus on Information Security Training Sergey Zapechnikov, Alexander Tolstoy, Sergey Nagibin |
146-157 |