Table of Contents
Uncertainty Quantification in Scientific Computing Andrew M. Dienstfrey, Ronald F. Boisvert (Eds.)
Front Matter |
UQ Need: Risk, Policy, and Decision Making
Uncertainties Using Genomic Information for Evidence-Based Decisions Pasky Pascual |
1-14 |
Considerations of Uncertainty in Regulatory Decision Making Mark Cunningham |
15-26 |
An Industrial Viewpoint on Uncertainty Quantification in Simulation: Stakes, Methods, Tools, Examples Alberto Pasanisi, Anne Dutfoy |
27-45 |
Living with Uncertainty Patrick Gaffney |
46-59 |
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis: From Regulatory Requirements to Conceptual Structure and Computational Implementation Jon Helton, Cédric Sallaberry |
60-77 |
UQ Theory
Bayes Linear Analysis for Complex Physical Systems Modeled by Computer Simulators Michael Goldstein |
78-94 |
Verified Computation with Probabilities Scott Ferson, Jack Siegrist |
95-122 |
Defects, Scientific Computation and the Scientific Method Les Hatton |
123-138 |
Parametric and Uncertainty Computations with Tensor Product Representations Hermann Matthies, Alexander Litvinenko, Oliver Pajonk, Bojana Rosić, Elmar Zander |
139-150 |
UQ Tools
Using Emulators to Estimate Uncertainty in Complex Models Peter Challenor |
151-164 |
Measuring Uncertainty in Scientific Computation Using Numerica 21’s Test Harness Brian Smith |
165-179 |
UQ Practice
Numerical Aspects in the Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty Maurice Cox, Alistair Forbes, Peter Harris, Clare Matthews |
180-194 |
Model-Based Interpolation, Prediction, and Approximation Antonio Possolo |
195-211 |
Uncertainty Quantification for Turbulent Mixing Flows: Rayleigh-Taylor Instability T. Kaman, R. Kaufman, J. Glimm, D. Sharp |
212-225 |
From Quantification to Visualization: A Taxonomy of Uncertainty Visualization Approaches Kristin Potter, Paul Rosen, Chris Johnson |
226-249 |
Efficient Computation of Observation Impact in 4D-Var Data Assimilation Alexandru Cioaca, Adrian Sandu, Eric Sturler, Emil Constantinescu |
250-264 |
Interval Based Finite Elements for Uncertainty Quantification in Engineering Mechanics Rafi Muhanna, Robert Mullen |
265-279 |
Reducing the Uncertainty When Approximating the Solution of ODEs Wayne Enright |
280-293 |
Hot Topics
Uncertainties in Predictions of Material Performance Using Experimental Data That Is Only Distantly Related to the System of Interest Wayne King, Athanasios Arsenlis, Charles Tong, William Oberkampf |
294-311 |
A Note on Uncertainty in Real-Time Analytics Mladen Vouk |
312-318 |