Conference Papers Year : 2011

Prediction of Irrigation Security of Reclaimed Water Storage in Winter Based on ANN


The difference of reclaimed water qualities between in summer and in winter were proved considerable. Reclaimed water derived in spring or summer could be applied irrigating in some arid region, which have been considered a rational renewable resource of water. Yet in winter, reclaimed water would run off into river or stream in vain. The idea of storing it in winter and being ready for the next year’s irrigation is proposed, however, the effects on crops are maintained sealed. Experiments processed using raw sewage, primary treated water, and secondary treated water in Gaobeidian Sewage Plant of Beijing to irrigate maize and soybean in spring and summer from 2006 to 2007, based on which the irrigation effect derived from reclaimed water of winter was predicted by ANN. The results validated the strong relations between irrigation effect and qualities of water, which indicated the reclaimed water stored in winter was grossly similar to secondary treated water in summer for irrigation.
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Jinfeng Deng. Prediction of Irrigation Security of Reclaimed Water Storage in Winter Based on ANN. 4th Conference on Computer and Computing Technologies in Agriculture (CCTA), Oct 2010, Nanchang, China. pp.211-217, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-18336-2_25⟩. ⟨hal-01562806⟩
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