Conference Papers Year : 2010

An Adoption Diffusion Model of RFID-Based Livestock Management System in Australia


Many countries, like Australia, have introduced a radio frequency identifi cation (RFID) based livestock identification and management system,which can be used for condition monitoring and fault prognosis during an outbreak situation. This paper examines the adoption process and its subsequent diffusion and extended usage of RFID in Australian livestock management practices, and proposes a research model. The model is primarily built on Rogers' innovation-diffusion theory and Oliver's expectation-confirmation theory, with some logical modifications. It posits that while adoption of RFID may be the result of legislative pressure, its further diffusion is an evaluative process, which is judged against "satisfaction" and "performance" derived from RFID systems. The implications of these and other related concepts are also discussed. Hypotheses are developed which can be tested via empirical study. The proposed model has both theoretical and practical implications. Although it is developed on the basis of the Australian livestock industry, it can be used in other countries and also in other applications with some industry-specific modifications.
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Mohammad Alamgir Hossain, Mohammed Quaddus. An Adoption Diffusion Model of RFID-Based Livestock Management System in Australia. IFIP WG 8.2/8.6 InternationalWorking Conference on Human Benefit through the Diffusion of Information Systems Design Science Research, Mar 2010, Perth, Australia. pp.179-191, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-12113-5_11⟩. ⟨hal-01060400⟩
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